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After School Program

September 11 - November 1

This 8 week camp will foster your child's individual strengths, focusing on team building, social skills, hand eye coordination, balance, motor planning, and total body strength in a fun environment. Taught by Doctor of Physical Therapy Rhianna Wickett, PT, DPT, CSCS, your child will gain confidence in a small group setting while exploring the benefits of physical activity. We believe each child is unique, and finding confidence and success in a fun, safe environment is key to forming healthy lifelong habits. 

We encourage the students/guardians to visit our clinic prior to the start of this camp for a meet & greet.

Grades K-5 Tuesdays 3:45 - 4:30
Grades 6 - 12 Thursdays 3:45 - 4:30

**Please contact us if your child is unable to attend the scheduled time for their age. Accommodations may be made for attendance at another session.